We strive every day to further improve our performance in relation with the environment and we continually prepare to respond to future challenges and opportunities, while minimizing the environmental impact
We are aware of the importance of the environment in our work and we take into consideration the impact we have over the environment in every action we take.
Our primary concern is to ensure the sustainability of human existence by carefully balancing social, economic and environmental capital in a continuously changing world.
We strive every day to further improve our performance in relation with the environment and we continually prepare to respond to future challenges and opportunities, while minimizing the environmental impact
We are aware of the importance of the environment in our work and we take into consideration the impact we have over the environment in every action we take.
Our primary concern is to ensure the sustainability of human existence by carefully balancing social, economic and environmental capital in a continuously changing world.
On top of striving to minimize our impact on the environment and create value for all stakeholders, we also aim to provide the proper education to the host communities with regard to sustainable living and development.
We have strict environmental standards to manage greenhouse gas emissions, reduce our use of energy, minimize our consumption of fresh water and protect biodiversity.
2019 was a year of milestones for Rompetrol despite a volatile market environment. In its efforts to increase production, minimize technological losses and eliminate accidental shutdowns in the industrial process, Rompetrol also continued to invest in the maintenance and continuous improvement of its integrated QHSE management system, with special focus on reducing the environmental footprint of its operations.
Main indicators in 2019

Rompetrol Rafinare produces exclusively Euro 5 fuels

Petromidia - Energy consumption reached the lowest level, of 2.9 GJ/mt.
Petrochemical Plant (Jan-May) = 28,906 to
Vega Refinery = 50,646 to
Water consumption
Petromidia Refinery - water consumption 5,684 thousand m3
Vega Refinery - water consumption 819,39 thousand m3
No accidental spills were recorded in 2019 on the Petromidia Platform.
However, when it comes to the Vega Refinery, 2 accidental spills were recorded in 2019, caused by the sewage system flooding due to heavy rain (record quantities of precipitation). Solutions were found to avoid this problem in the future.